Archive for May 2014

Aging of Body Systems

        As we age, our body's organs and other systems make changes. These changes alter our susceptibility to various diseases. Researchers are just beginning to understand the processes that cause changes over time in our body systems. Understanding these processes is important because many of the effects of aging are first noticed in our body systems. Here is a brief overview of how some body systems age:

        1.  Heart Aging: The heart muscle thickens with age as a response to the thickening of the arteries. This thicker heart has a lower maximum pumping rate.         
        2.  Immune System Aging: T cells take longer to replenish in older people and their ability to function declines.        
        3.     Arteries and Aging: Arteries usually stiffen with age, making it more difficult for the heart to pump blood through them.        
        4.     Lung Aging: The maximum capacity of the lungs may decrease as much as 40 percent between ages 20 and 70.          
        5.    Brain Aging: As the brain ages, some of the connections between neurons seem to be reduced or less efficient. This is not yet well understood.         
        6.     Kidney Aging: The kidneys become less efficient at cleaning waste from the body.       
        7.     Bladder Aging: The total capacity of the bladder declines and tissues may atrophy, causing incontinence.
        8.     Body Fat and Aging: Body fat increases until middle age and then weight typically begins to decrease. The body fat also moves deeper in the body as we age.          
        9.     Muscle Aging: Muscle tone declines about 22 percent by age 70, though exercise can slow this decline.
       10.   Bone Aging: Starting at age 35, our bones begin to lose density. Walking, running and resistance training can slow this process. Sight and Aging: Starting in the 40s, difficulty seeing close detail may begin.      
       11.  Hearing and Aging: As people age, the ability to hear high frequencies declines.

Behavioral Factors
The good news is that many of these causes of aging can be modified through your behaviors:
1.       By eating foods loaded with antioxidants, you can minimize damage caused by free radicals.
2.       By exercising, you can limit bone and muscle loss.
3.       By keeping your cholesterol low, you can slow the hardening of your arteries and protect your heart.
4.       By practicing mental fitness, you can keep your brain sharp.

        Lifestyle factors have also been shown to extend life. Rats and mice on a calorie restricted diet (30 percent fewer daily calories) live up to 40 percent longer. Positive thinking has also been shown to extend life in people by up to 7.5 years.

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