Archive for January 2015


Based on a blog of Benjamin Brenkert, an ex-Jesuit

Did you hear what Pope Francis said? "The Church is a field hospital open to all." "Stop talking about abortion all the time." "The Church must get out of the bedroom." "The LGBTQ community is loved and welcomed to actively minister in the life of the Church." "The free market is good." "Women theologians deserve the same presence as men." "U.S. nuns are too feminist." "Women can breast feed in public." "Divorced Catholics should receive communion." "The Church needs to express herself mercifully." "All people who do good works go to heaven." "All dogs have souls and go to heaven." "Yoga and Zen meditation cannot open people's hearts to God."

But wait; Pope Francis didn't mean that; well, he did say something like it, though not exactly in those words; no it's not official Church doctrine. It was said during a pastoral moment; give him a break. He can't prevent how the media (mis)characterizes him.

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