Archive for 2019

Cancer Myths

It can be hard to distinguish fact from fiction, as much of the inaccurate information looks and sounds perfectly plausible. But if you scratch the surface and look at the evidence, many continually perpetuated ‘truths’ become unstuck.

In this post, we want to set the record straight on 10 cancer myths we regularly encounter. 
Driven by the evidence, not by rhetoric or anecdote, we describe what the reality of research
 actually shows to be true.

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5 Ways To Provide Deeper Meaning to a Long Happy Married Life

Edited By: Nataliya Babota
Learning that your partner is suffering from a serious health condition is heartbreaking and difficult to accept on its own, but understanding that you will have to become their caregiver is an additional blow that can leave you feeling completely lost. Still, you surely understand that they will need your support now more than ever, and in new and unexpected ways, too. Finding yourself in such a challenging situation may make you feel helpless, but there are certain things you can do to support your spouse, no matter what their condition may be. Here are 5 ways you can help your spouse through a health challenge.
1. Learn About Your Partner’s Condition
Certain conditions require lifestyle and diet changes or come with symptoms you might not be aware of, and one of the best ways to be prepared for these challenges is to educate yourself about your spouse’s health condition. Apart from being more helpful at meeting your partner’s new needs, you will also feel calmer and more in control of the situation if you know what’s going on with your loved one.
2. Spend Time and Listen To Your Spouse
Be sure to let your spouse know you have their back and express your love. But even if you’re not the consoling type and have no idea what to say, you can express your readiness to help and support your loved one by listening and spending time with him/her. If their health allows, do things together both of you enjoy, even if it’s just watching a film together or spending time with the family. Chances are, both of you will cherish and gain a newfound appreciation of these seemingly ordinary family moments.

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Anti-Aging Drugs Are Coming – an expert explains

by Richard Faragher

They may not be as far off as you think.

There will be almost ten billion people living on Earth by 2050 and two billion of them will be over the age of 60. Growing old is the primary risk factor for multiple chronic and life threatening conditions such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease. This burdensome morbidity is the most distressing aspect of old age – compromising individual independence and straining collective healthcare systems.

To help older people flourish, we must understand the biology of aging at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels, and then turn that understanding into new preventative medicines. Indeed, it was recently suggested that an “anti-ageing pill” is just around the corner, enabling humans to live to 150 and regenerate organs by 2020 very cheaply. But how excited should we be about such claims? Let’s take a look at the evidence.

Since the time of the ancient Greeks people have argued about the relationship between ageing and disease. Today it seems probable that essentially all age related diseases are linked to the ageing process. Not all ageing changes are harmful though. In essence, we have a set of health maintenance mechanisms which act to keep us in good condition in the early part of our lives – problems arise as these start to fail with age. An anti-ageing pill would enhance one or more of these mechanisms and keep people healthy.

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The secret to health may be right beneath your feet. Most of us know that chronic inflammation causes illness. Did you know that grounding may have a powerful effect on the body's inflammation response?
This looks like an interesting documentary
Check out Uplifted Life for more life-transforming content!

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Chronological Attempts to Stay Healthy – Generally Futile

    November 30, 2015 is a day like no other: it is my 82nd birthday.

        It is a special day, not because of the personal significance of the occasion, but because I’ve reached it against tremendous odds! So - time to share and be grateful!
        Most octogenarians cannot claim to be as healthy as I do. The great majority have had some kind of major medical episodes. The only major health episode I’ve had is Herpes Zoster or Shingle, which by itself is not life threatening, but it disrupted my routine morning exercise resulting in weakened leg muscles. At seventy, it was extremely difficult to resume the old routine.

Consider the odds.
        I lost regular employment at 65.  Together with the employment was the loss of my health benefits. At any rate HMOs discontinue their benefits for those over 65 years old. One can continue coverage but you have to pay an escalating premium every year without any recourse to cash values, dividends, or return of premiums. I still have Philhealth coverage but it can only shoulder a small amount of the total hospital bill. 
        A friend was hospitalized for a major illness in one of the tertiary hospitals in Metro-Manila. A major illness is called such because it is curable but money has to be thrown to it. Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink time!  It’s also called catastrophic disease because it spells a catastrophe to the finances of the family involved. Today, my friend has been moved to a neighborhood hospital because his resources are almost gone. Relatives and friends have pitched in but donor fatigue is setting in. Philippine General Hospital, a public hospital with Grade A medical care but Grade D for hospital atmosphere beckons. A trip to the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office has to be done. Government helps the destitute, but requires to show proof.
Indigent. Insolvent. Pauper. These words sting. Perhaps poverty is even harder to take than the disease itself, because the last resort is the family home.
        Yes, Filipinos in general are in danger of heart-wrenching financial crisis in the latter years of their lives because modern medical science offers many options to keep the family head or member alive by all possible means. No one turns his or her back on family. Not in the Philippines.
        The future is not going to be easy for oldies who may later on be stricken by major disease. So, aside from deep breaths and prayers, preventive medicine is the only answer.
       Let’s go back to Kindergarten where we learned the basics. A nursery rhyme goes:

“The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, air, exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease, Your will they'll mend, and charge you not a shilling.”

       To slow-down the deteriorating effects of aging, the number that is most revealing indicator about one’s state of health and is the most important number to pay attention to if we want a life free of pain, inflammation and disease, is one’s pH factor, the number that indicates acidic versus alkaline ratio in our body.
        In a flashback to high school chemistry, remember that the pH scale goes from 0 to 14:  zero is pure acid, 7 is neutral, and 14 is pure alkaline.
        Each of us came into this world with a certain alkaline pH.  It's how our body was designed by our Maker and how we are supposed to stay. Without exception, all of our organs, tissues, bones and joints work best when blood pH is slightly alkaline (around 7.365).
        Also, our body is designed to stay in contact with the Earth. Positive Electromotive forces in the form of free radicals can build up in our body and direct contact with the ground balances this out as earth is naturally a negative grounding source.
        If your pH is even just a little too acidic, that's when your body can begin to literally break down. Aches and pains begin to creep up. Tumors (including cancer) can flourish. Diseases can rear their ugly heads. Although a number of factors can contribute to an acid pH, (including stress, environmental toxins, lack of exercise and smoking), far and away the number one factor is your FOOD.
        Eating acid-creating foods (especially fast food, processed food, meat, dairy, refined carbs and hard to digest meal combinations) pulls your pH down toward the acid range. On the other hand, when your diet contains many alkaline foods (like fresh fruits and vegetables) and is easy for your body to break down, you encourage a more alkaline pH.

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The Link Between Earthing and Chronic Inflammation

Earthing for a Single Night Reduced the Primary Indicators of Osteoporosis and Other Chronic Diseases
Kadek Ariani - 2015/2/13
Very informative study!  INTERESTING!

Chronic Disease: Are We Missing Something?
Posted on Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
By: James L. Oschman, PhD

"...Earthing or Grounding during sleep resulted in statistically significant changes in the concentrations of minerals and electrolytes in the blood serum: iron, ionized calcium, inorganic phosphorus, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. There was also a statistically significant reduction in renal excretion of both calcium and phosphorus during a single 7- or 8-hour night of sleeping Grounded or Earthed. The observed reductions in blood and urinary calcium and phosphorus directly relate to osteoporosis. Specifically, Earthing for a single night reduced the primary indicators of osteoporosis..." Read the entire study here 

Get your Earthing Sleep Systems today and feel the difference in your health!

Click link for more:

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Growing old and going through it the right way

Inspired by: Chit Roces-Santos 

It’s the first day of the year 2019, and have just recently stepped into my 85th year, growing steadily old by the day. For the last 75 years of my life, I have successfully evaded major chronic health problems, but as I stepped into my 80s, I have had a couple of scary bouts of TIA and pneumonia that have left me with poor posture and weak legs forcing me to walk with a cane.  

But, how things have, indeed, changed for me and my buddies—happily, about 70% of them are still around, but many can no longer stand at attention to salute to the flag—I find sweet consolation in that we’re all somehow in the same boat. My core group has been decimated - just a few weeks ago, two of them have marched off beyond in quick succession, Manny Tanjangco and Ed Roceles.
Changes may have come to us in different forms, the least and most common of these, I can assure younger 60 - 70 seniors, is fatness or obesity. But contemporaries who have gone ahead got fat first, before eventually succumbing to terminal complications.
As I myself live on, despite having gained over 10 pounds as I approach my 90s, words of writer Red Smith’s eulogy for a fellow often come to mind: “Dying is no big deal; the least of us will manage it. Living is the trick!”
The immediate trick, as I see it now, is coping with the challenges of ripening to old age.
As it is, like many peers, I’m already physically challenged, by my walking difficulty which I suspect to be caused by osteoporosis that does not allow me to walk too long without tiring and hurting.
I’m convinced I’m doing something at least about some challenges for as long as I keep doing my nightly grounding routine and my daily intake of four tablespoonfuls of virgin coconut oil — and other “anting-antings” I’ve been at fairly religiously for the past two years.

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