As we enter
a new phase in this our 21st century hi tech lives, we meet its
consequent drawbacks – aging organs affected by pollution and other increasing
environmental hazards.
Many of us seniors
experience post-nasal drip described as a feeling of mucus dripping at the back
of the throat - that leads to frequent throat clearing, sore throat, and
coughing that disturbs our sleep. Since post-nasal drip is a symptom of another
condition, other symptoms may be present that are linked to whatever's causing
the problem. When allergies are responsible for post-nasal drip, many people
experience teary eyes, itchiness of the nose and eyes, and headaches. And if
you have also developed asthma, the post-nasal drip may make breathing even
more difficult. Other symptoms associated with post-nasal drip may include bad
breath, stuffy nose, hoarse voice, or persistent coughing.