The term "the media" is thrown around a lot but is very important to the world, as it exists to tie the human race together and keep people across the globe up to date.

Mass media has a purpose, and forms have two or three, which include to:
1.      Express an opinion or point of view
2.      Educate through factual content and information
3.      Persuade viewers and listeners to buy a product or think a certain way
4.      Entertain an audience, as in video games or movies

·        There are at least two major roles of media in a democratic society.
·        First, the media need to give people the information that they need in order to make informed decisions about issues of the day. 
·        Second, the media entities need to act as a "watchdog" to ensure that government officials and agencies are acting in proper ways.  The media needs to investigate public officials whenever there seems to be any sort of wrongdoing going on. 
·        By doing these sorts of things, they help the people have the information they need to rule themselves.  This is the responsibility of the media in a democratic society.
However, free-wheeling Philippine media are basically profit oriented – especially during election campaign period. - profit for the media entity/ owner and all the way down through the opinion makers, writers and reporters. Broadcast media usually say they take no sides in a political mudslinging but encourage dissensions to up their own ratings. The selfish motive becomes evident when they shift sides as election time nears.

I still have to see media persons working at exposing mainly wrongdoings anywhere while trying to steer protagonists toward the truth for the common good.

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