Tips for Optimal Health

from Tancio

Back Pain
The evils of sitting have been well documented in recent years. It’s been associated with everything from increased cancer risk to shorter life expectancy, and it’s costing Americans an arm and a leg — and a back. At least $50 billion is spent each year to treat lower back pain, the fall issue of NYU Physician says. “Lumbar spine issues are starting to explode as people sit in a chair all day,” physician Wayne Stokes told the magazine. “We try to get across the idea that if the body doesn’t move, it’s not going to work.”
According to the magazine, chronic back pain isn’t caused so much by acute injury as by muscles that have become weak or imbalanced from disuse. For example, an MRI scan might show a herniated disk, but the source of the pain may be in the joints around the spine or pelvis. This makes back pain difficult to diagnose and treat. “It’s possible to do the wrong exercises and make things worse,” says Stokes. He and other doctors are pursuing more holistic treatment regimens that combine medical interventions with lifestyle changes: strengthening exercises for the core and lower back, massage, acupuncture, anti-inflammatory meds and injections. And above all, we need to get up, stand up.
“Setting an alarm to go off every 20 to 30 minutes is a good reminder to stand up,” says Stokes. “Even 15 seconds of standing helps break the seated cycle.”
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Life Expectancy
Advice for American men on living longer: You can improve your chances
Heart disease. Diabetes. Prostate cancer. Every man is susceptible, but according to the current issue of Men’s Health, these and other ailments are killing American men faster than guys from other countries. The magazine reports on a paper in the journal Health Policy that found that about 150,000 men in the United States die prematurely from preventable causes every year — a higher rate than in 15 other developed countries.
The magazine recommends looking to other countries for healthful habits. Italians, who have a lower risk of fatal heart attack than American men, demonstrate the importance of heart-healthy eating — including olive oil and moderate amounts of red wine — and of smoking less than before. Swiss men are more likely to walk or bike to work, activity that may contribute to their lower incidence of diabetes, the magazine said. In Japan, drinking green tea has been shown to help men fight prostate cancer.
The common thread in all these countries is that their men take an active interest in their health, according to the magazine. You’ve heard it before, but cleaning up your diet, quitting smoking and walking more could help move things in the right direction. And a cup of green tea can’t hurt.
   Maggie Fazeli Fard
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 While I do not believe in spreading "hype" about Stem Cell Nutrition product through anecdotal evidence, people ask for real-life examples of what StemEnhance has done to people's health. In reading this doctor’s story, please understand that the results described may not be typical. StemEnhance acts differently in each body. While StemEnhance always supports the release of stem cells from the bone marrow and always increases the number of circulating stem cells in the blood, what each body does with these circulating stem cells depends on a myriad of factors unique to each individual.
When the number of stem cells is increased, the body guides these stem cells to various areas of the body to assist in maintaining optimal health. While StemEnhance does not cure, heal, mitigate or prevent any disease, it does help to maintain the optimal number of stem cells circulating in the blood, which then supports the body's natural renewal system.

Fernando Aguila, M.D., graduated from the University of Santa Thomas in Manila , Philippines. He finished his internship at Cambridge City Hospital, Cambridge, MS and completed his residency at the New England Medical Center in Boston, MA. He obtained a fellowship in OB-GYN anesthesia at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and a fellowship in cardio-thoracic anesthesia at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, OH.

Due to a heavy patient load, I have recently found that I tire more easily, my legs are cramping, and by the time I get home, even my shoulders and rib cage hurt. I knew I had to find a way to increase my stamina, energy and vitality.
A friend gave me information about stem cell nutrition and how it promotes the release of stem cells in the body. One of the components apparently promotes the migration of the stem cells to tissues or organs where regeneration and repair is needed most. My attention was drawn to the fact that it can increase energy, vitality, wellness, concentration, and much more. It sounded just like what I needed.
Since then, I've heard testimonials from others who have experienced significant improvement in their painful arthritis. They claimed the pain had became almost negligible. I heard about patients who regulated their diabetes, blood pressure, and had improvements in cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, and even myocardial infarctions.
The improvements sounded dramatic. Because of all of their testimonies, I was willing to believe it could promote wellness in the human body.
I tried Stem Enhance myself. After a day, of hard work, I realized I wasn't tired at all, my legs were not aching, and I didn't have any shoulder pain. I decided the stem cell nutrition must be working. I continued to take it, and was able to work so efficiently and steadily that one surgeon commented that I was moving like a ball of fire.
Stem cell nutrition gives me support physically and mentally. I look forward to seeing what the major medical journals have to say about the studies being done with this new approach to wellness.

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